Sartyoon Sang Crafts Enterprise with 10 artisans of rural Sindh is participating in "Sindh Cultural Festival 2014" at Bagh Ibn-e-Qasim in Clifton Karachi. Traditional crafts display at SRSO's stall caught the attention of spectators. A mixture of Sindh's handicrafts made by rural women exhibited, including basketry, dresses, dupattas and home textiles embellished with traditional embroidery and cutwork.
Under the PPAF funded "Livelihood Enhancement and Protection Program II" SRSO has established a "Nokri ya Rozgar" center at Union Council Bhetoor of taluka Khangarh and district Ghotki in village Ali Ahmed siyal on 27th January 2014. The Nokri ya Rozgar center is established by Local Support Organization " Sonehri Roshni" where youngsters of UC Bhetor are registered , a separate pool of trained and untrained qualified youngsters are being registered at this center. Under NyK centers LSOs are trying to get them enrolled in any professional training institutes or get them employed in the available market.
SRSO with collaboration of Integrated Health System Strengthening Alliance Services (IHSAS) Implemented the component "Behavior Change Communication" and conducted a 6 Days Project Orientation Workshop of Family Focal Persons at district Larkana from 27 Jan to 1st Feb 2014.
Integrated Health System Strengthening Alliance (IHSAS) comprising of Integrated Health System (IHS) and Sindh Rural Support Organization as partner awarded joint project by Govt. of Sindh and one by UN with financial assistance of Norwegian Govenment under Norwegian Pakistan Partnership iniative (NPPI). The prime objective of this project is to ensure quality of maternal and new born child health and family planning services under pay for performance contract in two districts of Sindh, Shaheed Banezirabad and Larkana. Under IHSAS-Behavior Change Communication (BCC) component SRSO organized Health Melas, Community Theaters, 6 Days Training of Family Focals, Training of Ulamas on importance of MNCH in the light of Quran and Ahadees and orientation of Journalists and media anchors for media coverage.
SRSO's Crafts Enterprise Development Section participated in Six Days Asia level Exhibition organized at the Delhi Haat India from 24 to 31 August 2013 , funded by Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF). All SAARC countries exhibited handmade crafts under one roof recognized internationally and ultimately providing opportunities for export market.
After successful implementation of PPAF funded Livelihood Enhancement & protection project (Phase-1), the project entered into a second phase and was extended in three more Union Council for another two years by the PPAF.
On Friday 31 May 2013 Gender and Development sector of the SRSO has organized Mother's day at Sachal Auditorium Khairpur with main objective to provide the opportunity to express the hearties, affections feelings and surprise gifts to the mothers. More than 200 participants including female community members participated with Zeal and Zest to increase the glory of the event
On 31 December 2012 , SRSO and the Helpage International jointly organised a workshop titled "Media Sensitization on Social Protection for Senior Citizens" at Press Club Shikarpur. The purpose was to spread awareness about the rights and protection of Senior Citizens and to resolve the health and financial problems.
Under the tripartite partnership between Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL), PPAF and SRSO, Community Physical Infrastructure project has been initiated for a period of 2 years with a total funding of Rs. 71 million to carry out 120 CPI Schemes in district Kashmore-Kandhkot.
To improve health and welfare of working equine animals through capacity building of equine owners, Partnership with the Brooke-Pakistan has expanded with increased outreach in two other districts; Larkana and Jacobabad, besides its presence in Sukkur & Shikarpur.
HelpAge International invited SRSO to become its partner, working for the welfare of older people. HelpAge helps older people claim their rights, challenge discrimination and overcome poverty, so that they can lead dignified, secure, active and healthy lives.
With the financial support of the UNICEF, SRSO and RSPN has jointly resolved to implement the Community Awareness Raising for Polio Campaign in 48 high risk union councils of district Larkana, Kamber Shahdadkot, Shikarpur, Kashmore, Jacobabad, Khairpur, Ghotki and Sukkur.
With the Support of Government of Sindh Project has been initiated for the allottment of State Land to Landless Harries and completed one year successfully.
Government of Sindh Funded Union Council Based Poverty Reduction Program is in Progress and achieved its targets as per plan in Districts Shikarpur & Kashmore-Kandhkot and completed one year successfully.
With the Financial support of Government of Sindh Construction of 200 Low Cost Houses has been initiated for Homeless that are living below the poverty line.
Wheat distribution of 4000 bags amongst 2000 beneficiaries has been completed in 4 UCs of district Sukkur from 1st March to 8th March 2010 , under the project "Combating Rising Food Prices in Pakistan" supported by World Food Program(WFP) .
On December 23 and 24, 2009 a delegation comprises of electronic and print media representatives visited Union Council Based Poverty Reduction Program of SRSO. The delegation met with organised community members of Shikarpur and Kandhkot districts to evaluate the Program impact. Rural Organised Women shared their experience of getting organised and benefiting from UCBPRP interventions like Community Investment Fund , Income Generation Grant, Community Physical Infrastructure, Low Cost Houses and Vocational Training.