The lack of access to social services, particularly education, health, water and sanitation, is one of the most pressing issues facing rural communities in Pakistan. The level of access for is even lower for women and children because of the lack of the public and private health and education systems. According to the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) of 2006-07, the country has alarmingly high rates of maternal mortality (276 deaths per 100,000 live births), Even locally trained delivery attendants called “Dais’ are not present, infant mortality (78 deaths per 1,000 live births) and under-five child mortality (94 deaths per 1,000 live births). In 2001, Pakistan had a gross enrolment rate of 84.3% and an overall literacy rate of 53%, figures which are amongst the lowest in the world. Especially female education, is another problematic area. Public sector schools are not functioning to the desired level. Lot of the rural talent goes waste. Access to potable water is 93%, of which only 24% of the rural households receive piped water. Over 50% of Pakistan’s population has poor access to sanitation facilities. Leave alone total sanitation, the latrines are also not available. While these statistics represent national averages, the situation is considerably worse in the rural areas where weak social service delivery is profoundly visible.
Social Sector Services for the people in SRSO operational area are almost non existent. SRSO realizes its responsibility and commitment to serve the poor communities. Hence it has established a full fledged Social Services Sector to deliver the services like health, education, environmental sanitation including safe drinking water. Section has been assigned to:
The sector is presently focusing on health and education services under the strategies developed by SRSO. Under this strategy series of Health & Education workshops have been organized which were attended by male & female CO members, followed by formation of implementation committees. Experts belonging to line departments/NGOs were engaged as resource persons. It has developed its strategy with the assistance of RSPN.
All Social Sector Services activities are based on Social Mobilisation: i.e. on the assumption that local people are best suited to work together to solve local problems. Depending on the projects and programmes being implemented, people are encouraged to form Community Organisations, Village Health or Education Committees, School Councils, Village Sanitation Committees and other bodies which are then strengthened to ensure effective interaction with Government Departments. As the Village Organisations and Local Support Organisations develop and become mature, they are being encouraged to take more responsibility for independent action relating to Education, Health and Sanitation and Sanitation.
The SSS activities include:
SRSO-Education Program
SRSO is operating Sindh Education Foundation-Government of Sindh Assisted 19 Community Cluster Schools in Shikarpur and Kashmore@Kandhkot districts (10 Shikarpur and 9 Kashmore@Kandhkot). These schools have been constructed as State-of-the-art education with all modern learning and education facilities with qualified teaching faculty. 5422 children from rural areas are enrolled in the schools from KG to Matric classes.
SRSO is managing two schools i) Govt. Girls High School Numaish Colony Sukkur and ii) Govt. Boys High Schools Sami Khairpur to provide quality education under the Sindh Basic Education Program (USAID-EMO Hub Schools Project) with Education and Literacy Department-Govt. of Sindh. 1,332 children of ultra-poor families in disadvantaged areas are enrolled.
Key Services/Interventions:
Key Interventions and Achievements as of June 2023
Interventions | Achievement as of June 2023 |
No. of districts with Education Program presence | 05 |
No of established EMO-Hub High Schools (ECE to X) | 02 |
No. of enrolled students in EMO-Hub Schools | 1,528 (B 766 & 762) |
No. of established Community Cluster Schools (ECE to X) | 19 |
No. of enrolled students in Community Cluster Schools | 5,923 (B 4,394 & G 1,529) |
No. of Community Managed Schools (ECE to V) | 53 |
No. of enrolled students in Community Schools | 581 (B 424 & G 339) |
No of Adolescent Adult Learning and Training (AALTP) | 3 |
No. of enrollment in Adult Literacy Centers | 527 (B 178 & G 349) |
No. of Non-Formal Education Centers | 67 |
No. of enrollment in non-formal education | 2,000 (B 359 & G 1,641) |
No. of SRSO Education Institutions | 144 |
No, of enrolled/passed students | 10،559 |