Against Rain & Flood-2022

SRSO Distributions

  • Rs.1.37 billion by extending
  • Their immediate relief and recovery
  • Services to 186,331 families of
  • Pakistan under SRSO Flood
  • Emergency Response 2022
  • From August-December 2022.

Natural Resource Management - NRM

Pakistan is an agriculture-based country. Seventy percent population is employed in agriculture, especially in rural Sindh. The farmers get poor yields of crops due to a lack of technical knowledge and the non-availability of required inputs. They cannot also manage natural resources at their disposal and waste the potential. SRSO’s target population is primarily engaged in agricultural activity and therefore, the use and management of natural resources is indispensable to their livelihood. The natural resources that the target population employs are resources such as land, water, soil, plants, and animals. However, they cannot maximize their profits since they cannot manage these resources productively. Natural resource management is concerned with the effective use of these resources with a particular focus on how their use affects the quality of life for both present and future generations.

The NRM section works with COs, VOs, and LSOs with the Government, and UN Agencies such as the FAO and WFP, to link farmers with modern sources of information about such matters as increasing yields in a sustainable manner and reducing environmental impacts. In a changing environment, community members need to know how to improve their agricultural, livestock, poultry, and kitchen gardening outputs sustainably.

Focusing on the capacity building of the farmers NRM has a well-defined role to play in the following activities:

• Assist communities in water resources management by training and demonstrations.
• Help them obtain better varieties of seeds, fruits, and forest plants.
• Promote and build up the capacity of communities in better methods of vaccinating animals, and livestock management practices.
• Agricultural farm management practices.
• Sowing, seeding, and plantation.
• Provide preventive and curative services in the Livestock sector

Key Services/Interventions:

  • Backyard Kitchen Gardening
  • Drip Irrigation
  • Seed distribution
  • Backyard Poultry
  • Nursery Development
  • Tree Plantation
  • Fruit tree
  • Farmer’s Field Schools
  • Crop production
  • Farmyard manure

Key Interventions and Achievements as of June 2023:

Key Performance Indicator Achievement as of June 2023
No. of districts with NRM presence 16
No of KG seeds (Rabi & Kharif) 89,026
No. of poultry layer distributed 25,500
No. of trees planted 939,476
No. of fruit trees planted 9,127
No. of kitchen gardening established 31,895
No. of established Farmer’s Field Schools (FFSs) 660
No. of kitchen gardening kits distributed 4,880
No of trained farmers in agriculture and livestock 12,550
Natural Resource Management-NRM