Against Rain & Flood-2022

SRSO Distributions

  • Rs.1.37 billion by extending
  • Their immediate relief and recovery
  • Services to 186,331 families of
  • Pakistan under SRSO Flood
  • Emergency Response 2022
  • From August-December 2022.

Physical Infrastructure and Technology Development - PITD

Rural poor in the SRSO target area do not have basic critical infrastructure. Standards of living and quality of life for those living in the rural setting and crowded confines of squatters in slum urban areas are extremely bad. Low income or no income combined with a lack of such critical infrastructure like functional Basic Health Units, Pit Latrines, etc. is causing more poverty. They desperately need basic physical infrastructure (land, sewage, potable water); more family planning facilities; immunization; educational health programs; link roads; electricity, and political commitment to improve basic needs. Concerted and sustained efforts are required to uplift standards of living and quality of life for those living in remote areas.

SRSO follows the basic needs approach – the conscious attempt to reduce poverty among the poorest groups. It is committed to assisting communities in improving and adding to the existing physical infrastructure with their participation as an essential element. Physical infrastructure is normally considered one of the strongest and most visible indicators of development with a high demonstration effect. It inspires the community to own and be involved in the development process.

SRSO has worked with members of Community Organizations, and more recently with Village Organizations and Local Support Organizations. SRSO PITD Sector assists communities in building and managing Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI) Projects by guiding technical and construction-related initiatives. SRSO acts as an intermediary and facilitates the creation of linkages between the COs and donor agencies, notably including government departments involved in the provision of infrastructure services in rural areas. In toe with its fundamental belief in the power of participation in ensuring the successful identification and implementation of anti-poverty interventions, all CPI projects are identified at the grassroots level by the COs and VOs themselves. SRSO carries out feasibility studies to assess technical, financial, and environmental viability. The PITD Sector also develops the capacity of communities to operate and maintain the projects after completion. Every scheme must benefit a wide range of recipients, be cost-effective and sustainable, and have no adverse environmental impacts. SRSO’s strong team of engineers helps communities to construct new and rebuild damaged brick pavements, concrete blocks, open drains, hand pumps, water supply schemes, lined water courses, sanitation schemes (open drains, bathrooms/latrines), pavement of streets, cattle yards and schools through grants. The community contributes either through cash or by providing labor or material in-kind. PITD engineers also built roads linking remote villages to main roads and houses. This latter activity brings economic and social opportunities to communities:

People pay less for goods and services, Opportunities to market their farm and other produce are greatly expanded Their access to medical care is increased, Opportunities to attend school and to find employment are also increased.

Therefore, SRSO considers physical infrastructure projects to be an investment in the community-based organizations fostered by it. SRSO accordingly offers guidance to COs in technical and construction-related initiatives. Our sector Engineers have provided extensive technical support to community members in relief, reconstruction, and rehabilitation activities during disasters. Following the riverine floods in 2010 SRSO implemented relief and rehabilitation projects and constructed 17000 houses in rural Sindh.

Key Services/Interventions:

  • Resilient Housing
  • Low-Cost Housing
  • Water Supply
  • Draining System
  • Street pavement
  • Irrigation Management
  • Road Development
  • Solarization
  • Street lighting
  • School renovation

Key Interventions and Achievements as of June 2023

Types of CPI Schemes No. Of Schemes Cost of Schemes (In Millions) BHHs
Total of CPI Schemes 27,227 16,90 304,659
Sanitation 15,958 199.89 87,738
Street Pavement & Sanitation 74 220.41 13,443
Drinking Water Supply Schemes (DWSS) 9,541 351.35 52,641
Low-Cost Village Improvement Schemes (LCVI) 72 127.09 7,248
Communication 1,018 474.77 95,044
Irrigation 474 196.68 14,314
IAUP 1 2.09 75
Water Filter, Plants by GoS 40 23.58 28,570
Street Lighting on solar system 18 13.3 1,040
School Renovation/Construction Housing (BHC, PPRP, Engro, and SPHF) 31 80.93 4,546
Physical Infrastructure Chart

Low-Cost and Resilient Housing as of March 2024

S.No Housing Schemes Number of Houses Cost of Houses
Total of Housing Schemes 31,890
01 Peoples Housing Cell 2009 200 49,027,200
02 UCBPR-GoS 2010 5,000 300,000,000
03 VRP-GoS 2011 7,003 522,602,824
04 IOM Shelters 2011 500 12,500,000
05 BAHAL 2011 3,000 120,000,000
06 Bakhtawar 2011 198 17,033,919
07 Yusra 2011 28 1,150,000
08 UCBPR –GoS Phase –II 2012 1,999 166,998,459
09 Benazir Housing Cell 2014 490 109,601,000
10 PPRP-GoS 2018-2023 13,274 1,460,140,000
11 Engro Foundation 2023 146 47,755,286
12 SANA 2023 52 15,676,232
13 Peoples Housing under SPHF-GoS