Donor: United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
Duration: October 2010 – January 2011
Districts: (Shikarpur), (Larkana), (Shahdadkot), (Ghotki).
Major Activities:
UNICEF provided SRSO with Rs 9.41 million to organize communities in Shikarpur, Larkana, Shahdadkot & Ghotki districts.
Mother & Child Health care is to organize communities in the non-LHW covered areas and to conduct focused awareness campaigns on pneumonia and diarrhea, strengthen catch-up of routine immunization and tetanus shots.)
The setting up of 4 Social Mobilisation Teams (SMT) comprising one female mobilizer and one male mobilizer, who worked with communities and Community Resource Persons (CRP) in the villages with no LHWs presence. The scope of work of the social mobilizer included:
1,218 CRPs were brought onboard during the course of the project to carry out activities in the following areas: strengthen routine immunisation and mobilised communities for immunisation activities, particularly polio; facilitate the provision of tetanus vaccination and clean delivery kits; antenatal and postnatal care and community Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)
227,338 men and women community members were sensitised by the trained CRPs with the help of counselling cards on reducing maternal and child mortality.