Against Rain & Flood-2022

SRSO Distributions

  • Rs.1.37 billion by extending
  • Their immediate relief and recovery
  • Services to 186,331 families of
  • Pakistan under SRSO Flood
  • Emergency Response 2022
  • From August-December 2022.

Empowering Pakistani Women through Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth (EPW Project)

comp-Empowering Pakistani Women through Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth (EPW Project)

Donor/Partners:  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark implementing through a consortium including BoPlnc, Unilever, JAZZ Mobile Communication Limited through Mobilink Microfinance Bank and RSPN

Districts:  Shikarpur, Jacobabad, Qambar Shahdadkot and Larkana

Duration:   3.5 Years

Objective:  The long-term vision of this project is to contribute to sustainable economic growth in Pakistan and increase the financial security, prosperity, and empowerment of women in Pakistan.

Major Activities:

  • SRSO entered into a partnership with RSPN for this project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark being implemented through a consortium including Unilever, who will support and supply women with fast moving consumer goods, Mobilink Microfinance Bank Limited (Jazz), who will provide access to finance to retailers and their customers via their JazzCash application, and BoPInc, who is an expert in facilitating partnerships and developing inclusive business models with micro-entrepreneurs and RSPN, who will recruit and train the female sales agents called ‘Jazz Cash GuddiBajis’.
  • The project targets the following SDGs:
  1. SDG 8: As women retailers become JazzCash Guddi Bajis, they will increase their revenue, creating sustainable income opportunities and contributing to economic growth in Pakistan.
  2. SDG 5: As JazzCash Guddi Bajis interact with women customers, women will have a greater opportunity to access and use mobile financial services, providing equal opportunity for financial inclusion and ultimately increasing financial security, prosperity, and empowerment of women.
  3. SDG 17: As the network of JazzCash Guddi Bajis expands, Women’s World Banking will demonstrate the business rationale for commercial partners, further promoting private sector partnerships in the financial inclusion space. For Unilever, this business rationale will be shown through the growth of their distribution in rural areas, through the expanded Guddi Baji network. For Jazz, this business rationale will be demonstrated through increased numbers of female customers and activity by female customers, due to interaction with female agents.


  • Sustainable income opportunities are created, through increased revenue and enhanced skills for women retailers (JazzCash Guddi Bajis) in Pakistan.
  • Women in Pakistan are financially included, through increased engagement with female agents (JazzCash Guddi Bajis) and use of mobile financial services.