Against Rain & Flood-2022

SRSO Distributions

  • Rs.1.37 billion by extending
  • Their immediate relief and recovery
  • Services to 186,331 families of
  • Pakistan under SRSO Flood
  • Emergency Response 2022
  • From August-December 2022.

BISP Door to Door Survey NSER - National Socio-Economic Registry


Donor: Benazir Income Support Program (Government of Pakistan)

Partner: Rural Support Program Network (RSPN)

Districts :  Karachi

Major Activities:

  • The government of Pakistan launched the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) as one of the main social safety net programs in 2009. The main objective of the program is to support the poor and vulnerable against the negative effects of food crisis and inflation. The government in its pilot phase adopted a “Targeting Process” through the Poverty Score Card Roll-out survey. Based on the successful completion and learning of the test phase in 2009, the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has launched the “National Poverty Targeting Survey”.
  • BISP developed a Proxy Means Test (PMT) based Poverty Score Card(PSC) and conducted a National level PSC Survey in 2010-11 through which complete information on the socioeconomic and welfare status of almost 27 million households was collected across the country . As a result of this huge exercise, a National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) was established containing basic information on household size, education, employment, disability, assets, etc.
  • BISP has the mandate to conduct periodic registry updates as per the “BISP Act 2010”.BISP has decided to carry out a national rollout of NSER Update using Android-compatible Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI).
  • In this regard, RSPN on behalf of RSPs formed a partnership with BISP for carrying out NSER’s “Qaumi Khushali Survey”. RSPs are one of the key stakeholders in poverty alleviation in Pakistan. Poverty targeting is in line with RSP objectives.
  • Through the RSPN partnership, the SRSO has to survey the targeted Cluster-6 Sindh, which includes Karachi. SRSO will collect good quality socio-economic data of every household in Karachi following the standard procedures and NSER guidelines.