
Mother & Child Health Care Initiative (MCH)





Donor :

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)


Partner :

Rural Support Program Network (RSPN)


Objective :

The objective of the project was “To help reduce IMR & MMR in target communities through integrated community based health interventions” with the purpose to:

Develop a community channel for dissemination of messages & supplies
Educate community on various preventive mother & child health care messages.
Extending the outreach of health department in non served areas (immunization, TT vaccination & deworming)


Major Activities


  • Involved communities for polio eradication and immunization activities;
  • Organized communities in non-LHW covered areas for Mother & Child Week twice a year;
  • Conducted health education sessions for men and women in target areas about the importance of vaccination, Pregnant women were provided TT services and children in the age of 0-2 year were provided routine immunisation services children in the age of 2-5 years were provided deworming tablets with technical support of concerned health department.
  • Ante-natal care, natal and post natal care, use of clean delivery kit; danger signs during pregnancy, delivery and post delivery, birth spacing, hand washing, latrine use, newborn care, infant and young child feeding diarrhea and pneumonia, and use of iodized salt;
  • Developed a community channel for dissemination of messages and supplies.