Sindh Rural Support Organization ( SRSO ) was incorporated on May 29, 2003, as a not-for-profit Organization and registered under section 42 of the Companies Act 2017 (Formerly known as Companies Ordinance, 1984). SRSO is funded by the government of Sindh to work in the designated districts of Sindh. The government has endorsed this policy to achieve poverty reduction goals through community empowerment, skills enhancement, capacity building and development of community-supported infrastructure projects, and the provision of support for income generation, enterprise development, and micro-credit. For this purpose, SRSO organizes the local communities and develops their managerial and technical capacity. People and the government are supported in forging partnerships and inculcating a sense of ownership among the people. SRSO is presently entrusted with fostering a network of community organizations at the grassroots level across the Sindh province and works in the following sub-sects while applying the participatory development approach of sustainable development goals.