Against Rain & Flood-2022

SRSO Distributions

  • Rs.1.37 billion by extending
  • Their immediate relief and recovery
  • Services to 186,331 families of
  • Pakistan under SRSO Flood
  • Emergency Response 2022
  • From August-December 2022.

Restoring Livelihoods and Protection against Climate Risks for Vulnerable Communities in Khairpur in Sindh Province of Pakistan

Malteser adn BMZ

Donor/s:  Malteser International and BMZ

Duration: 24 Months (2023-2025)

Covering District/s:   (Khairpur).

Target Group/s:  Flood-affected communities

Project Objective/s:

The livelihoods of the population in Khairpur/Sindh have been restored through the construction of essential and resilient basic social and economic infrastructure and the population is better protected from climate risks through knowledge of disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation, as well as climate-resilient farming methods and alternative livelihoods.


Major Activities:

Subgoal 1: Restore a social and productive basic infrastructure resilient to natural disasters and climate change.


  • Rehabilitation of Minor Irrigation Channels through Desilting
  • Rehabilitation/Renovation of Animal Shelter/Barns/Stables at Household Level
  • Rehabilitation of small market link roads
  • Rehabilitation of Protection Bund/Small Dam
  • Rehabilitation of Marginalized Land

Sub-goal 2: The population and local institutions are strengthened in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation


  • Training of Trainers (ToT) training of 20 CBDRM master trainers
  • Training for LSO-Local Support Organizations and VO-Village Organizations

Workshop on institutional strengthening of the disaster risk reduction governance system

Subgoal 3: Diversify livelihoods and create alternative income opportunities.


  • Training for the creation of kitchen gardens.

A) Introduction of drip irrigation systems.

B) Training in agricultural practices & climate-smart agriculture.

  • Joint agricultural production within the framework of LSOs

A) Establishment of nurseries for fruit, timber, and native trees.

B) Date processing training.

  • Promotion of alternative income opportunities.

A) Training in masonry

B) Training in sewing and embroidery

C) Training and equipment for livestock feed production

D) Training of advisors for animal husbandry (CLEW-Community Livestock Extension Worker)